
Learn how to work with text in Lunacy

This section describes how to add and modify text layers in Lunacy, and how to use the built-in placeholder text generation tool.

Adding text layers

To add a text layer, press T or select on the toolbar to activate the Text tool, then:

  • Click anywhere on the canvas to place the text layer. You can either type your own text or use the generated text options that appear in the dropdown menu as you create the layer. Lunacy applies horizontal resize mode to text added this way.


  • Click and drag to place a text layer with your custom size. Placeholder texts will appear inside the layer you’re creating, with their font size set automatically.

Generated text options include names, job titles, emails, countries, headings, paragraphs, and over a dozen more placeholders for you to choose from.

Read more about working with generated text content below.

Lunacy has a wide range of text editing options, all located in their respective menus:

  • Text layer properties in the right panel. The Text section appears in the right panel whenever you select a text layer. It’s a more convenient way to access all the text options available on the menu bar, including fonts, their weight and size, line and paragraph spacing, advanced text options such as text case, list styling, and others.
  • Text style menu. Also located in the right panel. It contains the list of all applicable text styles in the document.
  • Text options on the menu bar. Open the Text tab on the menu bar to access all the text options available in the right panel, as well as the Fonts embedding and Emoji style options. Read more about embedding fonts and working with emojis below.

Editing text

To edit a text layer:

  1. Click the layer on the canvas or select it in the Layer list.
  2. Press Enter or click the Edit Layer button () on the context toolbar to enable Edit mode.
  3. Type a new text or edit the existing one and modify any text properties in the Text section of the right panel.
  4. Once you’re done, press Esc to exit the edit mode.

Editing a layer with generated texts won’t detach it from the generated content. You’ll still be able to refresh it.

Text settings

Once you add and select a text layer, the Text section appears in the right panel, displaying all the available text settings and formatting options:

Note: You can apply different font settings of the same type (fonts, font size, color, text size) to a text within a layer. In this case, when this layer is selected, the fields in the right panel will display Mix.

Font list

To change fonts, click on the font list menu in the right panel, then:

  • Type the font family name in the field.
  • Expand the dropdown menu with the list of available fonts, then select one from the list.

The font list displays available fonts and their samples, with your three most recently used fonts displayed at the top. If a font name is too long and seems truncated, hover a cursor over it to view the full name.

You can filter fonts using the buttons above the list:

  • All: Shows the full list of available fonts.
  • System: Shows the list of fonts installed on your computer.
  • Google: Shows the list of fonts available in the Google Fonts library.

Lunacy’s integration with Google Fonts solves most problems with missing fonts. Before you apply a Google font for the first time, it appears without a matching sample. Click on a Google font for Lunacy to automatically download and apply it to the selected text layer.

Note: You might experience a slight loading delay when applying a Google font for the first time. Also, if your computer is not connected to the internet, the list of Google fonts only includes the fonts that you have already used.

Font style

Open the font style dropdown menu to change a text’s styling properties (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, etc.) If a font only has one style, this menu will be grayed out.

To change the properties of an individual word, you don’t necessarily have to select it. Just set the cursor anywhere inside or at the end of a word and change the properties. If you set the cursor at the very end of the text, the formatting options will be applied to the entire text. You can also use standard text editor shortcuts to speed things up:

  • Ctrl + B / ⌘ + BBold
  • Ctrl + I / ⌘ + IItalic
  • Ctrl + U / ⌘ + U — Underline

Font size

Use this field to set the font size or press Ctrl + Alt + "+" / ⌥ + ⌘ + "+" and Ctrl + Alt + "-"/⌥ + ⌘ + "-" to increase and decrease the font size respectively.

You can also change the font size directly on the canvas by dragging the circular handle at the bottom of the text layer bounding box:

See also:
Right panel properties

Line, letter, and paragraph spacing

Use these settings to adjust the spacing between lines, letters, and paragraphs.

The default line spacing depends on the selected font, as well as its style and size. It appears grayed out, but you can change the value manually anytime. To restore the default line spacing value, delete the current value and press Enter.

The default letter and paragraph spacing is set to 0.

You can change spacing values by:

  • Selecting the required font size from the list.
  • Entering a value in the input field.
  • Hovering over the input field and scrolling with the middle mouse button.
  • Using shortcuts:
    • Ctrl + Alt + > / ⌥ + ⌘ + > or Ctrl + Alt + < / ⌥ + ⌘ + < — increase or decrease line spacing.
    • Ctrl + Shift + > / ⌘ + Shift + > or Ctrl + Shift + < / ⌘ + Shift + < — increase or decrease letter spacing.
    • There is no shortcut for paragraph spacing.

Text color

Use this field to change the text color:

  • Click on the color circle to open up the standard color picker.
  • Choose a color style from the document colors.
  • Enter a color code manually.

Tip: When you add a text layer on top of a layer, Lunacy automatically sets a text color that contrasts with the background to save you a couple of clicks.

See also:
Layer and text styles

Resizing options

These three buttons determine how text boxes change in size depending on the content:

  • Horizontal resize: The text box expands horizontally to fit the text content on a single line.
  • Vertical resize: The text box adjusts vertically to fit the text content, while the width of the text box remains unchanged.
  • Fixed size: In this mode, the size of the text box is fixed and does not adjust to fit the text content.

Some notes:

  • If you drag and shrink a text box around a single-line text, the resize mode will adjust automatically. Double-click on it to reset the box to horizontal resize mode and transform the multiline text into a single line again.
  • If your text box is larger than the text inside it, click on the text box borders to enable auto-resize mode and make the text box fit snugly around the text.

Text alignment

Use these buttons to align text inside the text box or use these shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Alt + { / ⌥ + ⌘ + { — align text to the left
  • Ctrl + Alt + } / ⌥ + ⌘ + } — align text to the right
  • Ctrl + Alt + T / ⌥ + ⌘ + T — center text
  • Ctrl + Alt + J / ⌥ + ⌘ + J — justify

You can also align text within text boxes using the alignment magnets that appear around the text box when you select it. They combine the functions of text alignment and text position so you can position your text right on the canvas.

If you want to hide the magnets, uncheck the Text Alignment Magnets option in the View section of the menu bar.

Text position

Adjust the position of text content within the text box:

  • Position text to the top border (default option)
  • Position text to the bottom border
  • Center the text within the layer

Additional text options


Click in the Text section of the right panel to access additional text formatting options. They include:

  • Transform options. Choose the letter case for your text:
    • Aa: Title Case
    • aa: lower case
  • Decorations. Apply underline or strikethrough effects.
  • List type. Choose from numbered or bullet point list styles.
  • Features. Add special features like subscript and superscript to your text.

Tip: If you select several text layers, the Selection fonts and colors section in the right panel will display all the fonts and colors present in the selected layers, so you can adjust these properties for several texts at a time.

See also:
Selection fonts and colors

Text on path

The Text on path option enables you to bend text in any way you want:

  1. Create a text.
  2. Create a path. Make sure that the path is below the text in the Layer list. Also, make sure that the text box and the bounding box of the path overlap.
  3. With the text selected, click textoptions on the right panel. Then select the Text on Path checkbox.
  4. To move the text along the path, drag the text block horizontally.
  5. (Optional) If you want glyphs to adjust their appearance to the bends, select the Warp glyphs checkbox in Text options.
Text truncate and Max lines

You can truncate overflowing text with an ellipsis () when it exceeds the bounds of a text box. This keeps your designs clean and readable without manually resizing text layers.

Also, you can use the Max lines parameter to define the number of lines before the text truncates. This can be useful when working with auto layouts.

Text generation

When you need to add placeholder text to your designs, there’s no need to leave the app to google them or think of anything yourself: Lunacy does the work for you. Generated texts include names, job titles, various types of contact information, headings and paragraphs, as well as over a dozen more options.

To use text generation, activate the Text tool (T) and click on the canvas, then:

  • Choose one of the text generation options that appear in the dropdown menu below the cursor.


  • Start typing the desired placeholder option (“name,” “paragraph,” “email,” etc.) and choose from the narrowed list of options.

When you click and drag to create a custom size text layer, Lunacy automatically fills the layer with placeholder texts. Auto font size sets the size of the text depending on the width and height of the text box: Lunacy guesses whether you’re creating a heading, paragraph, email field, and so on. You can either leave these texts or go ahead with your own options.

Auto refresh

To refresh the generated text, click or press Shift + R.

Also, anytime you copy a layer with generated text, a new generated placeholder will appear in the duplicate.

This happens due to Auto Refresh, which you can turn off by selecting Detach from Generated Content in the layer context menu or in the Layer → Content Generation section of the menu bar.

Combine text generation with other handy Lunacy features, like the Avatar tool and Repeat grid so your design process stays distraction-free:

Text styles and effects

In addition to text settings, you can also apply standard layer effects to your text layers, including:

  • Fills
  • Borders
  • Drop shadows
  • Inner shadows
  • Blurs

You can save combinations of layer effects and text settings as text styles which you can reuse across your document. Text styles appear alongside other layer styles in the dropdown menu of the Style section in the right panel.

Note: When you edit a text layer that includes effects, Lunacy hides layer styling effects and will show them again once you finish and exit Edit mode. This makes it easier to edit heavily styled text layers, like the one below.

See also:
Layer and text styles

Text and shapes

Adding text to shapes

You can add a perfectly centered text layer to a shape by selecting the shape, then pressing T to activate the text tool. Lunacy will group the shape and the resulting text layer. The text you enter in the layer will be in Fixed size mode, restricted by the borders.

This is useful for designing buttons, menus, and similar UI elements, especially when coupled with text generation.

Converting text to outlines

You can convert text into outlines, so that every letter becomes a vector shape:

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + O / ⌘ + Shift + O.
  • Select Outline stroke on the context menu.
  • Select Text → Convert to Outlines on the menu bar.

Note: Keep in mind that text-to-outline operations are demanding for system resources. Attempts to convert large portions of text may slow Lunacy down.

Missing fonts

When you open a document, Lunacy checks whether all the required fonts are available on your computer. If some of them are missing but they are available in the Google Fonts library, Lunacy will download and apply them, provided your computer is connected to the internet.

If they aren’t part of Google Fonts, the missing fonts button () appears on the top bar. Lunacy renders the text layers using the default Inter font, and when you select these layers, the name of the missing font appears in red in the font menu.

Click the missing fonts button to open up a dialog box with options to replace the missing fonts with alternatives so you can edit the layers.

Fonts embedding

You can embed fonts into your document before sharing it with other people to ensure that the text layers will look exactly as you designed them, even on computers without the fonts used in the document.

To embed fonts:

  1. Go to Text → Fonts Embedding on the menu bar.
  2. Select the required fonts and click Embed fonts.

Note: By embedding a font, you confirm that you have a license allowing you to distribute the font.

Using emojis

You can add emojis to text layers in any convenient way by using the emoji keyboard on your OS or pasting them into the text box. The emoji styles in Lunacy include Apple, Microsoft, and Noto style emojis.

Switch through them by selecting Text → Emoji Style on the menu bar.